Media outlets have been reporting on the “Heartbleed” Internet security vulnerability, which is a threat to many websites across the Internet.
Information Technology Services (ITS) is monitoring potentially vulnerable UNC-Chapel Hill systems while local system administrators in ITS and around campus patch these systems. As part of this effort, ITS will continue to work with departmental and school IT officers to address remaining issues related to the “Heartbleed” Internet security vulnerability, according to Kevin Lanning, interim incidence response officer in ITS.
UNC users should continue to change their passwords in accordance with the standard existing UNC password change cycle. Please note, UNC users are asked to use different passwords other than their UNC ONYEN account for other online accounts such as social networking, online banking and other commercial websites. The use of different passwords for different online accounts will further reduce the risk of compromise to UNC users’ University and personal accounts.
“ITS will continue to meet with and update campus technology partners to resolve issues related to the monitoring of UNC systems,” said Stan Waddell, associate vice chancellor and chief technology officer.
Faculty, staff or students with questions about “Heartbleed” and campus technology may contact the ITS Help Desk at (919) 962-HELP (4357).
April 16, 2014.