If you’re moving out, consider donating or recycling unwanted items such as appliances, books, clothing, clean bedding, furniture, school supplies, futon frames, carpets and more.
UNC students moving out of residence halls will have the opportunity to donate used goods to Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers (TROSA), a Durham-based vocational training and rehabilitation community. The TROSA moving crew will be on-campus May 2-14 collecting from donation stations.
Students can donate used appliances, books, clothing, clean bedding, furniture, school supplies, shoes, unopened food and toiletries, electronics, and other household items in the Tar Heel Treasure donation station located inside their residence hall or community. Used bedding will be donated to Paws4Ever, a Mebane-based animal shelter. Broken electronics will be recycled by American Greenz. All usable items will be used by TROSA residents or sold in their secondhand store and yard sales.
Futon frames (scrap metal), carpet, and untreated wood waste will also be collected for recycling outside the residence halls.
Scavenging and dumpster diving will not be permitted on campus. The only groups authorized to remove items from dumpsters of donation stations are TROSA, UNC Housing Support, and the Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling.
When students move out of the residence halls, UNC Housing and Office of Waste Reduction and Recycling facilitate donations to local non-profits while keeping usable goods out of the landfill. In 2011, UNC residents diverted 62 tons from the landfill through the campus donation stations. This year, with TROSA’s considerable effort, we hope to achieve a higher diversion rate.
Published May 2, 2012.