The challenge: translate UNC research to the content and features of a custom-built mobile application. Can you do it?
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, in conjunction with Innovate@Carolina, announces a call for proposals in support of Carolina Apps, a new initiative to bring Carolina-born ideas to wider audiences through the creation of innovative mobile applications with broad public appeal.
The use of mobile apps in the research, translation, and application of knowledge developed at UNC is a relatively new frontier. To learn more about this emerging tool set and how it may advance the research interests of the UNC community, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research is contributing up to $40,000 to support the development of a mobile application that will apply UNC research to the content and features. The proposal selected will be developed from concept to finished product with the technical assistance of an external development team within a few months of identification, and will be launched and marketed by the Carolina Apps team.
The competition is open to all UNC faculty, staff, and students, in teams or as individuals, in all disciplinary areas. Proposals must involve the application of research developed at UNC-Chapel Hill, rather than serve primarily to disseminate information, results or collections.