The Town of Chapel Hill is in the midst of developing a new comprehensive plan to guide its future
In a process called Chapel Hill 2020, several meetings are being held all across town to get input from the real experts – the people who live, work, play and invest here.
The next opportunity to participate will be right here on campus, from 4-6 p.m. Tuesday (Nov. 29) in the Student Union Art Gallery. Refreshments will be served.
The event, sponsored by Student Government, will give students, faculty and staff a chance to ask questions and to comment on the six themes that have emerged:
- Good places and good spaces (downtown and development);
- Town and gown (learning and innovation),
- Getting around (transportation of all forms);
- Community prosperity and engagement (fiscal sustainability and public safety);
- A place for everyone (diversity, cultural vibrancy and the arts); and
- Nurturing our community (environmental sustainability).
Now through April, groups will meet once or twice a month to discuss the themes and to hear what others have had to say about them. The idea is to use all this input to create a comprehensive plan that will guide policy decisions by elected officials as well as planning and implementation by the town manager and staff.
Recognizing that not everyone can participate in meetings (or wants to), the town has also set up a blog for people to contribute their comments. The blog also has links to surveys, reports and calendars for information. The outreach committee for Chapel Hill 2020 is also coordinating information and feedback sessions in neighborhoods, at group meetings and in churches.
For more information on Chapel Hill 2020 and how you can get involved, contact outreach committee member Susan Hudson, 962-8415, or visit these sites: or