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Throughout the month of October — Breast Cancer Awareness Month — Chapel Hill will be taking on a pink hue. On Oct. 1, the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center began partnering with local businesses as part of its annual Turn the Town Pink (TTTP) campaign. The fundraising event helps the Comprehensive Cancer Support Program to provide services to patients at the N.C. Cancer Hospital.

The start of this year’s TTTP will coincide with another popular fundraiser in the community, Roy Williams’ Fast Break Against Cancer. Attendees can join UNC-Chapel Hill men’s basketball coach Roy Williams, his assistant coaches and Tar Heel broadcaster Woody Durham at this annual breakfast and live-auction event. Tickets are available online, and registration on the day of the event begins at 7:30 a.m. All proceeds will be used for local cancer treatment, research and prevention program.

Upcoming TTTP events include:

  • Pasta with Purpose – Oct. 8, 5:30 p.m. at the Carolina Club

For $11, attendees can enjoy a buffet of salad, bread and a variety of pastas. $10 of every dinner purchase will go toward breast cancer research at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. The event is open to both members and non-members of the Carolina Club.

  • Breakfast for Dinner  – Oct. 9, 5:30 p.m. at Ye Olde Waffle Shoppe

100 percent of proceeds from each $12-per-person meal will benefit the TTTP campaign. Vendors donate all food, and all Ye Olde employees donate their time and their tips and proceeds to UNC Lineberger. This year’s event will also include a silent auction.

  • Dozen Doughnut Dash  – Oct. 11, 10 a.m. at the Old Well

This family-friendly event is a four-mile run that encourages participants to run 2.5 miles, eat a dozen doughnuts, and then attempt to complete the race. UNC Lineberger is the sole beneficiary for this event.

  • UNC Football: Cancer Awareness Game  – Oct. 18, TBD at Kenan Stadium

Watch the Tar Heels take on the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets while supporting cancer awareness. Players and coaches will wear pink gear and share special messages with fans at the game. UNC Lineberger and Carolina Athletics will also offer cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and health care workers one free ticket to this game and an opportunity to purchase an unlimited amount of additional tickets for $10 each. Tickets can be purchased online. A Tar Heel Downtown celebration will also take place at 140 West Franklin St. prior to kickoff.

A complete calendar of events can be found here.

Last year’s TTTP raised $79,000 for UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and included 45 community partners.

By Olivia Hart, Office of Communications and Public Affairs

Published October 1, 2014