Carolina’s search committee for the Title IX coordinator position has scheduled open forums with three candidates who will be on campus for interviews. The forums will include a presentation and question and answer session. The campus community is invited to attend the forums, interact with the candidates and provide feedback as a part of the interview process.
The following forums are scheduled:
- Ms. Crystal Coombes: Sept. 9, 2013, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., FPG Student Union – Room 3408
- Mr. Howard Kallem: Sept. 13, 2013, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., FPG Student Union – Room 3408
- Ms. Jayne Grandes: Sept. 18, 2013, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., FPG Student Union – Room 3408
The topic for each forum will be “What are the biggest Title IX challenges colleges and universities face today and what best practices do you recommend for addressing these challenges? What strategies would you suggest for Title IX prevention and education on campus and what experience do you have with these initiatives?”
The Title IX coordinator reports to the equal opportunity/ADA/Title IX officer with a dotted-line report to the Chancellor, and has primary responsibility for oversight of the University’s Title IX efforts. The Title IX coordinator will assist the University in achieving its goals of providing an open, diverse and inclusive learning and working environment by monitoring the University’s compliance with Title IX regulations and requirements.
Those attending will be asked to complete a short evaluation form after each forum, which will help committee members prepare a report for the interim director of UNC’s Equal Opportunity/ADA Office.
Obtain the position description, cv/resumes and evaluation form for the selected candidates.
Published September 4, 2013.