The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill today announced the launch of an enhanced degree-completion program that honors former student-athletes’ scholarships for life. This program – Complete Carolina – provides financial support for degree completion, as well as academic advising and career counseling, to former student-athletes who return to complete their degrees at any time.
For years, the University has welcomed returning student-athletes pursuing their diplomas, and many have returned and graduated. Complete Carolina enhances and formalizes this commitment to former student-athletes, and the University is dedicating significant new resources to help them take the next step in their academic careers. The goal is to encourage all student-athletes to graduate, and with this new program, Carolina will make the process much more accessible.
“When we invite students to come to UNC-Chapel Hill to participate in our athletics program, we are promising them, above all, the opportunity to receive a superior education. That promise should have no expiration date,” said Chancellor Carol L. Folt. “I see Complete Carolina as being fundamental to our mission and our commitment to provide the very best education to all Carolina students. I look forward to expanding this program – particularly by enhancing academic advising and career counseling for all our students – in the future.”
For former student-athletes who withdrew from the University in good academic standing, Complete Carolina will provide financial support commensurate to their scholarship, including tuition, fees, room, board and books. Returning students will also be placed in an enhanced advising program to provide comprehensive academic advising and career planning before, during and after their return to Carolina. Individualized plans for former student-athletes will also be developed to maximize each student’s success on campus, similar to the recently implemented MAP (My Academic Plan) program for current student-athletes.
“Many student-athletes have spoken to me about how their Carolina degrees have enabled them to reach their personal ambitions. Complete Carolina creates a pathway for student-athletes who left before graduating to find their way back to Carolina and complete their degree. It builds on Carolina’s commitment – from recruiting through degree completion – to ensure all student-athletes at UNC-Chapel Hill have the opportunity to pursue an exceptional education,” said Director of Athletics Bubba Cunningham.
Complete Carolina is part of an ongoing, campus-wide effort to bolster support for student-athletes. This is also part of a broader initiative being developed to enhance advising and support for degree completion and career counseling for all students at Carolina.
Former student-athletes interested in returning to UNC-Chapel Hill to complete their undergraduate degrees can learn more at
Scholarship costs for Complete Carolina are funded by UNC’s Department of Athletics. Campus offices providing program support include: Office of Undergraduate Admissions, Office of Scholarships and Student Aid, Student Affairs, College of Arts and Sciences Academic Advising Program, Academic Support Program for Student-Athletes and Student-Athlete Development.
Program details:
- Program participation is available to scholarship student-athletes who withdrew from the University in good academic standing and meet program requirements.
- Financial support will be provided commensurate to a student’s athletics aid during initial enrollment as a student-athlete, including tuition, fees, room, board and books.
- Applications will be accepted beginning Sept. 1, 2014.
July 24, 2014